Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
English proofreading service (OPTIONAL): 100.00 (EUR)
We offer you the possibility to let your manuscript proofread by scientists with a high English level to have your work checked for correct English usage and grammar before submission.
Publication fee: 140.00 (EUR)
No submission fee is required.
When an article is accepted for publication, the Journal of Environmental Solutions charges a publication fee of €140 for high and upper middle income countries and €100 for low and lower middle income countries (as listed by the World Bank: All authors of the manuscript must be associated to low and lower middle income countries to benefit from the reduction rate. Is this your case, please contact us by email at
The publication fee covers a portion of the costs associated with peer review, journal production, and online hosting and archiving. We keep our fees very low as we don’t want to be it a frontier for authors to publish.
Accepted manuscripts will not pass to copy-editing until payment has been received.